Friday, November 19, 2010

Setting Sail

Welp, here goes nothing. 
I've been debating about embarking into the "blogging world" for some time now, but always reasoned that I didn't have a good enough reason to take up cyberspace. I'm not training for a marathon. I'm not planning a wedding. I'm not even a "true" newlywed (six months on Monday!). I'm not building a house or moving. I'm not planning to start a family--child, dog, or otherwise. I don't have crafty or cooking expertise to share. I'm just an average Midwestern girl (Jess), married to typical East Coast boy (Darrell)--but you know what, I've decided that's good enough. I've learned that if I wait until the "perfect" time for everything that a lot of opportunity goes by the wayside, and this, my friends, might very well have been one of those lost opportunities. So carpe diem, buck tradition, and all that other inspirational mumbo jumbo.
In truth, I'm hoping to blog more for some personal gains that worldly gains. I'm pretty terrible with correspondences--while I do remember cards for most birthdays, anniversaries, and other major holidays, I've let the spreading of my friends and family across the country (and world!) become an excuse for falling out of touch. It's not as personal as a card or letter, and I do still want to get better at that, but it's a start. I also recently realized that my husband and I are pretty terrible at taking pictures. I was attempting to design our 2011 calendar, and ran out of pictures of us with four months still left to fill (excluding wedding pictures of course. I restrained myself and only did our anniversary month in wedding pictures--and the following month with honeymoon pictures). So hopefully having this blog space will entice me to take more photos and document our lives, because really, we aren't that boring of people. Lastly, blogging gives me a chance to do something I've enjoyed all my life--write. I was a journaling fiend in high school, filling seven in the span of four years. But then college and the real world caught up to me and I fell out of the habit. But I'm ready to fall back in--and this time, I'm taking others with me!

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