Thursday, March 3, 2016

Irony at its Finest

At Garrett's one-year well-visit, one of the vaccinations he received came with a "warning" that it could cause him to spike a fever about a week after the shot. The same thing had happened to William, so we have been watching and waiting for Garrett to spike a fever this week. So of course, Darrell was the one to spike a fever (bad enough for him to stay home from work yesterday), and today William has fallen ill. But no fever for Garrett. Go figure. (Although he has pooped six times today. So I guess he has that going for him.)

Needless to say, things are a little rough around here. While Darrell was completely and utterly useless yesterday while he was sick, at least he kept to himself in our room and obeyed the things I told him to do (drink water, eat soup, etc). William, on the other hand, is downright miserable while sick. He doesn't want to do anything, doesn't want to eat or drink anything, doesn't want to get his temperature taken, doesn't want to take his medicine--nothing. Suggesting that he do any of those things--or trying to force him to do something--causes a meltdown. And on top of that, he feels it necessary to whine to me every thirty seconds that he "feels sick", no matter how many times I acknowledge his statement and apologize for his misfortune. I know I shouldn't be annoyed by my sick child... But there's only so much I can take, especially while also tending to a one-year old who is his normal ornery self (and who--admittedly--just wants to play with big brother and doesn't understand that throwing a ball at William is going to make him break down and cry). For all of our sanity, I hope William's illness is as short-lived as Darrell's was, otherwise I may have to call in for reinforcements tomorrow.

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