I suppose since I've started seeing my OB/GYN every two weeks I might as well start updating my belly pics every two weeks as well. The differences probably won't be as easy to spot, although supposedly baby is going to "drop" soon, so that change might be noticeable. I guess time will tell!
31 Weeks |
32 Weeks |
In (somewhat) unrelated news, I've officially decided that 2013 is going to be affectionately known as "The Year of the Baby". My sister-in-law just delivered a little boy yesterday (and he's a cutie!), and three friends from high school are expecting later this year. Not to mention the fact that I am good friends with two other moms-to-be in Sioux Falls who are both due within a month of me (for the record, I knew them prior to any of us getting pregnant; we did not meet as a result of some prenatal class). And of course, who can forget the royal baby that Will and Kate are cooking up? If you are feeling left out, it isn't too late to get in on the year of the baby--there is plenty of time left for some November/December babies!
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