Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Garrett: 5 months!

Well, it was bound to happen. Second child + busy schedule = monthly updates slipping through the cracks. I'm still get it up before he turns six months old, but not by much. And consequently it probably won't be a very long update because, well, I don't exactly remember much from fifth month since it was a while ago. But at least I'm still doing it, right?

Height/Weight: No official stats, and I'm not even going to attempt to guess where he was a few weeks ago.

Wearing: Primarily 3-6 and 6 month clothes. I've had to start pulling some 9 month stuff out though. And we're completely into size 3 diapers; I think we made that switch sometime at the beginning of the month.

Eating: Still all breastmilk, but not exactly doing the best job of eating it during the times I would like him to (ie during the day). And since this carried over into six months (yay), I'll just delve into details then.

Sleep: Well, the good news is that he goes to sleep wonderfully. We can put him down drowsy with a pacifier and a taggie blanket and he'll put himself to sleep. The bad news is that he is waking up every two to three hours during the night to eat. Good times.

Likes: Being part of the action. There is no more sitting this child down and walking to another room. It doesn't matter what toys you give him--if you leave the room, he just knows that he is missing out on something and will fuss until you come back. Thankfully, if William is in the room that is enough "action" for him to be a part of, and I can usually sneak away for a few minutes to get something done (and a few minutes is usually all I get before William starts to play too rough with Garrett and makes him angry).

Dislikes: Being left alone. See above :-)

Firsts: Garrett had his first bus trip--a two hour(ish) drive to Lake Okoboji. Although he wasn't really interested in napping on the bus (or at any point during the day), he still did really well. He also had his first overnight at the lake for the 4th of July (and--I suppose--his first 4th of July), although he didn't really do much to celebrate the occasion (besides wear red, white, and blue). I'm sure I'm missing others, but seeing how I'm three weeks late and all, what can you expect? #secondchildproblems

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