Sleeping in--but never too much because a) kids and b) Saturdays in the fall are never leisurely (let's be honest--Saturdays are rarely leisurely, no matter the time of year!) |
8:00 Breakfast messes paired with a little lunch prep because that's the kind of day ahead |
9:00 Soccer game for William |
10:00 Fishing from a kayak class for Garrett (and tagalong Matthew) |
12:00 Home for a quick lunch before... |
1:00 AU football! (with two of our nephews) |
2:00 Football and beer... |
3:00 Times two. Life is good |
4:00 Game over, but not headed home |
5:00 Because we headed over to my parents so the cousins could have some playtime (which gave me some time to get my chimes music highlighted before rehearsal tomorrow morning) |
6:00 Our nieces came over to play too! |
7:00 Unfortunately for my nieces, football tends to dominate the "play" when there are eight boy cousins. But they do their best to include everyone! |
8:00 Two kids in bed, two to go |
9:00 Getting blog posts updated so I have no excuses for not writing Connor's birthday post (which still took me five months to do!) |
Goodnight! |
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