Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Day in the Life: December 21st

The calendar may say "Saturday" but our calendar says no rest for the weary four days before Christmas!

7:00 It's been a cookie factory around these parts the past few days

8:00 Showering up before tackling the day

9:00 Cookies lined up and ready to go to assemble holiday treat boxes for the shut-ins in our congregation

10:00 50 treat boxes times 1.5 dozen treats in each equals a long couple of weeks of preparation (but so much fun and such a blessing to be able to help spread holiday cheer!)

11:00 Prepping for some holiday shopping this afternoon--and make sure we avoid any Santa visits at the stores we are going to because those always invite chaos

12:00 Consolidating the leftover treats (which ended up being a lovely way to stock our fridge for the holiday season!)

1:00 Toy store number one. Brought the boys with under the guise that they need to pick cousin gifts for the exchange next weekend, but really, we needed a few more gift ideas for some of them

2:00 And toy store number two (love supporting our local toy stores!)

3:00 Enjoying some Veggie Tale holiday fun

4:00 Early dinner prepped...

5:00 And early dinner eaten...

6:00 (and 7:00) So we can get to a local production of The Nutcracker!

8:00 Two of my cousin's boys were in the show and it was So.Much.Fun. The boys loved it

9:00 Bedtime at last for the final boy

10:00 Putting the finishing touches on our 2025 calendar

11:00 Perusing my parent's 2025 calendar that just came in the mail (designing their calendar--and ours!--is definitely a labor of love, but I so enjoy the final product)

Ugh. Really need to work on improving this bedtime in the new year....

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