Monday, February 10, 2025

Day in the Life: October 21st

7:00 Finishing off the last of the pancakes from the weekend (mostly just so the boys don't fight over them!)

8:00 Getting some menu planning done before we go grocery shopping

9:00 But first, a quick stop at the library

10:00 Plenty of fresh fruits and veggies in our grocery hauls!

11:00 Making some salsa before the tomatoes from my mom's garden spoil

12:00 There's always time for a round of Candyland before nap

1:00 Normally I leave daytime dishes for Darrell to do after the boys go to bed, but since he's traveling for work this week it's up to me to get all the dishes done so I'm knocking out a few during naptime

2:00 On our way to get brothers!

3:00 Time for a little screen time to decompress after school

4:00 Getting an early start on dinner prep since Darrell won't be coming home to help me!

5:00 One of the few "real" meals I made while Darrell was traveling; most days it was something in the crockpot or something easy like tacos or leftovers, but I was feeling ambitious

6:00 Ambitious... and messy. So much mess and no one to come clean it up but me

7:00 Snacks and treats (and a blurry William trying to get out of the photo)

8:00 Doing the Mom thing and pretending like I want to know more about his interest in Pokémon

9:00 So many dishes

10:00 Giving myself permission to binge a new show ("The Good Place") while Darrell is traveling for work while making some quick repairs to a Halloween costume

Not too shabby for flying solo!

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