6:30 Up and exercised! |
7:00 Breakfast time |
8:00 Helping out in the school library while they work on hiring a new educational assistant position |
9:00 This kid has been obsessed with games lately |
10:00 Art class time! |
11:00 Heading home |
12:00 Working on a sticker book he got for his birthday |
1:00 Enjoying the sun and my current read |
2:00 But since conferences are in a couple of weeks I have to be a little productive during naptime! |
3:00 Snack time |
4:00 Constantly battling to keep up with the mess in the kitchen |
5:00 Picking up William from his after school STEM club |
6:00 Skyping with Darrell's parents so Matthew can open his birthday present from them |
7:00 More snacking (and a mess of new birthday presents!) |
8:00 Off to bed |
9:00 Catching up on emails (feels like as much of a losing battle as trying to keep up with the dishes!) |
10:00 Enjoying a little bit more of my book before bed |
Goodnight! |
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