Friday, September 20, 2024

Day in the Life: May 21st

Rise and shining for a busy day! (But aren't they all?)

7:00 I love the smell of a fresh spring rain

8:00 Chaos of a day = dinner in the crockpot now

9:00 and 10:00 Volunteering at the boys' school for Cultural Experiences Day and sharing some card playing experiences (just war and speed, nothing crazy!)

11:00 Took my favorite 5th grader out for a special lunch since Grandma has Matthew for the day

12:00 Back to school for more card playing fun

1:00 Speed is the best

2:00 Tidying up from the End of the Teacher Treat the PTO provided

3:00 Over to Grandma's to get Matthew (and Lucy, who has a few more days with me before she starts her summer daycare)

4:00 Because boys

5:00 Lucy--and big sister Rose--join the excitement at our house because why not

6:00 Food. Fuel. A few minutes to breathe

7:00 Someday I'll make them cut their own fingernails.... 

8:00 Lights out for the younger two and wrapping up reading time for the older two

9:00 Because the fun doesn't stop--catching up on some long overdue emails for my church committee

10:00 Some mindless sorting of photos to get ready to build calendars for next year

Bed. Ready for it. 

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