Saturday, September 21, 2024

Day in the Life: August 21st

7:00 Last day of summer break with no pressing place to go means chilling in bed for as long as I can while the boys entertain themselves

8:00 Well I suppose since everyone is up we might as well make something of the last day of summer break

9:00 After a quick stop at the library it's off to church for Mom to get some work done for her adult chimes ensemble

10:00 Followed up by a trip to the local science center for some fun play (and ice cream!) 

11:00 I think Garrett would have spent the whole time building with dominoes if I would have let him

12:00 Leftovers make lunch a quick affair

1:00 Some quiet time while Matthew naps

2:00 Nothing to see here, just me ignoring our camping gear that still hasn't been put away from our camping trip last weekend

3:00 Getting in a quick workout with some weights while the boys have a little screen time

4:00 Checking on the produce in my mom's garden while she's out of town

5:00 Getting ready for dinner

6:00 End of dinner mess

7:00 This wild child definitely looks like he's ready to start getting ready for bed

8:00 Ready or not it's bedtime for these two

9:00 Scoping out the menu at a local cupcake place to get some flavor ideas for cupcakes I need to make for an upcoming bake sale 

10:00 Three boys in soccer + Darrell coaching all three times = serious calendar time to figure out practice schedules

11:00 I don't know even know when I did laundry today but it was a bad choice because now we have to put it all away

Well. A late night before the first day of school is always the way to go. (Or not.)

Lazy Sunday morning at the lake? Yes please (shoutout to my husband for letting this happen)

8:00 Love these views from our cabin bedroom

9:00 Sunday morning church, lake style

10:00 Intense game of memory going on after church

11:00 Packing up to head home

12:00 Feeding the crew for lunch

1:00 On the road again

2:00 Home--but ever so briefly

3:00 Snack spread during a get together with two of my favorite guys from high school (who also happened to both be ushers at our wedding!)

4:00 Get together fun going strong with this fool who is back in town (with his sweet wife and adorable baby girl) for our official 20 year high school reunion at the end of the week 

5:00 When Mom's friend lives across the street from a park, you must go play before you head home

6:00 Lake + travel + time with friends = carryout for dinner

7:00 Not captured in the still picture: the fire alarm going off at church as soon as we showed up for our meeting (someone accidently pulled it and everything was fine, but it was quite the start to our meeting)

8:00 Meeting fun 

9:00 Prepping menus and grocery lists because apparently this crew needs to eat tomorrow

10:00 Ignoring the mess and wrapping up the day with a little bit of reading

Or, you know, maybe it was a lot a bit of reading. Books have a way of doing that to time


Day in the Life: June 21st

Aren't my boys just the cutest?

8:00 Slow summer mornings are the best--what's the fun in showering first thing when you wake up?

9:00 Plugging away at the library's summer reading program

10:00 Which of course requires plenty of visits to the library (twist my arm)

11:00 Two of the boys are in NC this week and I still end up with a cart full of groceries

12:00 Lunch is served

1:00 So around 10:00 this morning, we found out that due to the torrential rains the past few days our jet ski and pontoon had started floating away from our dock. Darrell immediately left the office to go help, and three hours later he was still trying to complete the typically 45-minute drive. Roads were flooded all over the place and he could not find a route to get him to the cabin

2:00 Darrell finally made it and spent the next few hours securing our equipment, helping the neighbors secure theirs, and then ultimately getting as many things out of the lake as possible because the water kept rising (and yes, I watched as much as I could through our security cameras and was texting constantly with one of our neighbors whose husband was down at their cabin helping his father secure their property)

3:00 Six was hard this summer. We had lots of big emotions

4:00 My cutest youngest sous chef

5:00 More dinner prep 

6:00 Not exactly the dinner view we had planned on--we had been planning to be at the lake for the weekend--but Mother Nature had other plans

7:00 Snack time!

8:00 Yay! Daddy made it home just in time for bedtime

9:00 Working on Darrell's birthday cake

10:00 Sampling some of the ice cream while trying to catch up on some posts

Well, that was one way for Darrell to celebrate his 40th birthday. Definitely a day we won't soon forget!