Friday, June 21, 2024

Day in the Life: March 21st

Only one snooze today, because I'm off to school for...

7:00 Staff Appreciation Week! Setting up a "Gold Medal Goodies" snack bar for the teachers today

8:00 Back home to my regularly scheduled content (and twice the fun because I'm also doing daycare for my niece until the end of the school year!)

9:00 Storytime adventures at the Old Courthouse Museum

10:00 Headed home after storytime and a craft

11:00 If you thought two four-year olds would play really well together you'd be wrong. They do play together well--occasionally--but mostly they just play separately in the same room. But at least they aren't fighting!

12:00 And sometimes I get roped into playing too (but who can say no to Zingo?!?)

1:00 I love it when my kid outgrows clothing before the seasons change (said no mom ever)

2:00 Back at school to clean up the leftovers from our snack bar and...

3:00 Supervise chess club! Both William and Garrett got to participate this year, and both of them already know way more than Mom about chess

4:00 A little bit of screen time once everyone gets home from school

5:00 Parking on the street because some moron blocked my spot while doing daycare pick up (just kidding--love ya bud!)

6:00 And the reason I left before my brother picked up Lucy--I had to get William to the middle school he will be attending next year for an orchestra festival!

7:00 Snacks and treats before bed

8:00 Except the older two wanted to help me get things ready for the last day of Staff Appreciation Week tomorrow instead of getting ready for bed, and since I didn't want to punch 80 gift cards out of their sleeves I agreed to the help

Especially since I was still elbows deep in work at 9:00 

And by 10:00 I had recruited another set of hands to help. Turns out it's a lot of work to stuff gift cards in thank you notes for 80+ staff members

11:00 Done!

And off to bed!

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