Friday, June 21, 2024

Day in the Life: February 21st

6:30 Rise and shining!

7:00 Breakfast is a messy occasion at this house

8:00 Ready for a game as soon as we get home from school drop off

9:00 Now cuddles.... someone is making it realllly hard for Mom to get stuff done this morning

10:00 Finally willing to work on an independent activity

11:00 And now time for Mom to get a break (or at least as much of a "break" as a dental appointment can be)

12:00 Not pictured because I was still stuck in the hygienist's chair thanks to them being super behind schedule. Normally I don't mind when my "alone time" runs late, but I was needing to get home and get Matthew down for a nap, so.... yeah. Not thrilled with the delay

1:00 Appointment over, Matthew napping, lunchtime for Mom!

2:00 Followed by moving my body 

3:00 Taking advantage of the nice day by biking to the library while big brothers are at piano lessons

4:00 Headed home after piano

5:00 Sneaking in a little more reading before heading up to church for a Lenten supper and service (not pictured is chimes rehearsal at 6:00--too many balls to juggle in one night to keep them all in the air!)

7:00 Choir rehearsal after the worship service

8:00 Headed home with my choir tag-a-longs

9:00 Working on some menu planning... One of my least favorite (but most important!) tasks

10:00 Can you tell I'm into this book? Definitely not something I'd normally read ("The Girl with All the Gifts"), but still captivating in its own right. Grateful for Book Clubs that push me out of my normal reading comfort zone

That's a wrap!


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