Friday, June 21, 2024

Day in the Life: April 21st

This counts as sleeping in with four kids, right?

7:00 Good Shepard Sunday at church means lots of sheep cookies ready to be packed up for coffee hour treats

8:00 You know you have involved church parents when you are on your way out the door an hour before the service starts

9:00 And today, it's Mom's fault we had to be at church so early--adult chimes are playing AND the adult choir is singing, so lots of warm up and prep before the service!

10:00 Love our church, even empty after the service

11:00 Four boys in Sunday School plus one Darrell teaching Sunday School equals one Mom who gets to work on filing music for adult chimes during the Sunday School hour!

12:00 Lunchtime!

1:00 Since all my sheep cookies got eaten at church I was glad Darrell picked up a sugar cookie from my favorite bakery while the boys were at swim lessons on Saturday

2:00 Probably not the easiest way to load balls in the car to take to the park, but what do I know

3:00 Enjoying an afternoon at the park (while Mom and Dad take turns getting runs in on the nearby bike trails--two birds one stone!)

4:00 Headed home for dinner (also--peep how awesome our minivan is at accommodating five car seats since I'm still doing daycare for my niece during the week!)

5:00 Sous chef number four (or maybe just number three since I don't know that William has ever helped much in the kitchen) hard at work

6:00 Stir fry for the win

7:00 Oh, today hasn't been busy and crazy enough? Sure, let's do a bonfire!

8:00 Bedtime for the younger two

9:00 Worktime for Mom (gosh darn those bills that just think they need to get paid every month!)

10:00 Tired legs + Darrell = footrest. And I'd love to say we went to bed shortly after this, but I have no photographic evidence of that, and candidly, we're not super great about making responsible bedtime choices, so I'm guessing it was awhile before we actually called it a night. Oh well

Happy Birthday William!


Happy (belated!) birthday to my favorite eleven year old! I promise I'm not too upset that you wanted a Dairy Queen ice cream cake instead of something Mom made

Day in the Life: March 21st

Only one snooze today, because I'm off to school for...

7:00 Staff Appreciation Week! Setting up a "Gold Medal Goodies" snack bar for the teachers today

8:00 Back home to my regularly scheduled content (and twice the fun because I'm also doing daycare for my niece until the end of the school year!)

9:00 Storytime adventures at the Old Courthouse Museum

10:00 Headed home after storytime and a craft

11:00 If you thought two four-year olds would play really well together you'd be wrong. They do play together well--occasionally--but mostly they just play separately in the same room. But at least they aren't fighting!

12:00 And sometimes I get roped into playing too (but who can say no to Zingo?!?)

1:00 I love it when my kid outgrows clothing before the seasons change (said no mom ever)

2:00 Back at school to clean up the leftovers from our snack bar and...

3:00 Supervise chess club! Both William and Garrett got to participate this year, and both of them already know way more than Mom about chess

4:00 A little bit of screen time once everyone gets home from school

5:00 Parking on the street because some moron blocked my spot while doing daycare pick up (just kidding--love ya bud!)

6:00 And the reason I left before my brother picked up Lucy--I had to get William to the middle school he will be attending next year for an orchestra festival!

7:00 Snacks and treats before bed

8:00 Except the older two wanted to help me get things ready for the last day of Staff Appreciation Week tomorrow instead of getting ready for bed, and since I didn't want to punch 80 gift cards out of their sleeves I agreed to the help

Especially since I was still elbows deep in work at 9:00 

And by 10:00 I had recruited another set of hands to help. Turns out it's a lot of work to stuff gift cards in thank you notes for 80+ staff members

11:00 Done!

And off to bed!

Day in the Life: February 21st

6:30 Rise and shining!

7:00 Breakfast is a messy occasion at this house

8:00 Ready for a game as soon as we get home from school drop off

9:00 Now cuddles.... someone is making it realllly hard for Mom to get stuff done this morning

10:00 Finally willing to work on an independent activity

11:00 And now time for Mom to get a break (or at least as much of a "break" as a dental appointment can be)

12:00 Not pictured because I was still stuck in the hygienist's chair thanks to them being super behind schedule. Normally I don't mind when my "alone time" runs late, but I was needing to get home and get Matthew down for a nap, so.... yeah. Not thrilled with the delay

1:00 Appointment over, Matthew napping, lunchtime for Mom!

2:00 Followed by moving my body 

3:00 Taking advantage of the nice day by biking to the library while big brothers are at piano lessons

4:00 Headed home after piano

5:00 Sneaking in a little more reading before heading up to church for a Lenten supper and service (not pictured is chimes rehearsal at 6:00--too many balls to juggle in one night to keep them all in the air!)

7:00 Choir rehearsal after the worship service

8:00 Headed home with my choir tag-a-longs

9:00 Working on some menu planning... One of my least favorite (but most important!) tasks

10:00 Can you tell I'm into this book? Definitely not something I'd normally read ("The Girl with All the Gifts"), but still captivating in its own right. Grateful for Book Clubs that push me out of my normal reading comfort zone

That's a wrap!