So when I take the pictures for these posts, I make a concerted effort to take each picture on the hour, every hour (with the help of a reminder on my phone!). I want these posts to be as "real" as possible, so I usually don't (intentionally) delay my 9:00 photo until 9:15 because it'll be a nicer/prettier/happier photo. That being said, sometimes life happens and I just can't pull off the "on the hour" photo. If the timing of when I actually took the photos for this post is any indication, delayed photos are going to be happening a lot more frequently with three kids. Oh well--something is better than nothing, right?
7:00 (Taken at 7:20) My morning wake up call (To be fair, this one was intentionally delayed to avoid an awkward nursing photo and show off my sweet boy's cute face) |
8:00 (Taken at 8:02) And just like that, it's already nap time |
9:00 (Taken at 9:10) Not letting three kids slow us down and heading out for some Halloween fun |
10:00 (Taken at 9:42) Pumpkin painting fun! (Another "intentional" off-time photo; Connor was getting ready to nurse and I figured a picture of these two would be more fun than a random nursing photo) |
11:00 (Taken at 11:12) Enjoying some of the coloring pages we brought home from the Halloween party |
12:00 (Taken at 12:25) Being brave and heading out of the house in lieu of nap time |
1:00 (Taken at 1:11) Enjoying some college football! |
2:00 (Taken at 1:53) Go Augie Go! (I took this one a little early because of the nicely staged field position #nerd) |
3:00 (Taken at 2:57) Because you can't actually expect a four-year old and two-year old to sit through an entire football game |
4:00 (Taken at 4:12) When you spend the afternoon at a football game and realize you don't have dinner plans, the internet and 30-minute chili comes to the rescue! |
5:00 (Taken at 5:13) Dinner success: chili, cornbread, and butternut squash |
6:00 (Taken at 6:22) Proof that Darrell pulls his weight on diaper duty |
7:00 (Taken at 7:20) This is what "calming down" for bedtime looks like at our house #nowondertheydontfallasleepeasily |
8:00 (Taken at 8:22) At least one of them went to bed pretty easily... |
9:00 (Taken at 10:14 because sometimes I just completely forget) Nothing says "adulating" like spending a quiet evening doing dishes |
10:00 (Taken at 10:15) Enjoying the evening a little bit more with some blogging and wine |
Bedtime! |
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