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I swear this was the best photo we had... Although I might have used it even if it wasn't because I think it is just hysterical! |
Wearing: We squeezed him into newborn diapers at the hospital because that's what they provided us with, but it's been all size one diapers since we got home. And we seriously feel like he's starting to get snug in them, which is a little problematic because we still have two more boxes to use. He's also been wearing exclusively 0-3 and 3 month clothing; we haven't really bothered with newborn clothing for any of our boys.
Eating: Like a champ. I don't know if it's something with how my body lets down its milk or something to do with the fact that I have big babies who have latched on well from the start, but I have never (knock on wood) had a kid who has those 20-minute (or longer!) nursing sessions. Even in the hospital Connor rarely ate for more than fifteen minutes, and since getting home he's usually done in ten minutes or less. I even met with a lactation consultant when he was just over two weeks old (I was a little concerned that our pediatrician wanted to do a follow-up weight check at three weeks), and according to their fancy scales that allow you to measure breastfeeding, he put away nearly three ounces in seven minutes. Suffice to say he likes his milk and has no problem getting it.
Sleeping: Is it repetitive to say "like a champ" here too? I'm sure there is some correlation between his eating and sleeping, although I feel like William and Garrett were also good eaters, but not nearly as good of sleepers. For the first three weeks, we were periodically needing to wake him up to make sure he was eating at least every three hours during the day and four hours at night. Since he "passed" his weight check at three weeks, we've increased that to four hours during the day and five hours at night, and there have still been a few times where we've needed to wake him (yes, that's right, at a month old we've gotten five hour stretches of nighttime sleep. Now you understand why I'm terrified of jinxing things). He's not perfect, of course, and doesn't always take the best naps and tends to cluster feed a little in the evening, but as long as we keep getting awesome sleep at night (and as long as he's healthy, of course!), I'm not going to complain. He does have a tendency to not burp for me, especially at night, so inevitably he starts to fuss shortly after I put him back in his crib (which is where he--and all of our boys--have slept since their first day at home), but Darrell can usually get him settled back down in ten minutes or less.
New Stuff: Well, he's a month old, so he doesn't really do anything yet (a concept his brothers are still having a hard time grasping. They love him to pieces--almost literally at times--anyway though). However, he has exhibited some decent head strength during tummy time, and precisely on his one-month birthday he was baptized. So that counts for something. And by virtue of having two older brothers (and a slightly stir-crazy mom) we've been out and about plenty since he was born. I did get a few looks when I had him at SkyZone (a trampoline park) at four days old, but whatever (bear in mind I wasn't solo; Darrell was still on paternity leave. I haven't been crazy enough to attempt a place like that on my own yet).
As I've mentioned a few times already, Connor has been a seriously chill baby. We've said that William and Garrett combined have cried more than Connor has in the past month, and while it's been in jest, it might actually be true. Of course, it is possible to have too much of a good thing, and he's already demonstrated that he may take his laid-back personality a little too far. In the hospital, they wanted him to eat every two to three hours, and he was just not interested in following those guidelines. There were multiple times where he'd get to five hours between feedings, at which point the nurses started to get nervous (at six hours they have to run a test on his blood sugar), so they tried everything to get him to eat. I'm talking multiple sets of hands all over Connor's head and my breasts, sugar water on my nipple (TMI? Sorry) to make it more "appealing", and I don't even remember what else. Nothing worked. But every time, ten or fifteen minutes before that six hour mark, he'd latch right on--no gimmicks or tricks needed--and eat without any issue. Go figure. Additionally, he pooped three times the day he was born, twice the following morning, and then decided he was done. So when we went in for his post-discharge appointment, he hadn't pooped in 48 hours. Our pediatrician made us do a blood draw to test his bilirubin (jaundice), and then told us we had to call back first thing the following morning if he hadn't pooped by then. And what do you know--less than an hour after the appointment he had a massive blowout. Of course. Lastly (for now...), he also decided to put on weight on his own terms. At birth he was 9lbs 8oz, and at his four-day visit he was 9lbs 5oz. No issue there. But at his two-week appointment he was only 9lbs 11oz, a gain of six ounces in eleven days, when our pediatrician would like to see a gain of an ounce per day. So we had to schedule an appointment for the following week to get his weight checked again and determine if there was possibly a growth issue--and at that appointment he was 10lbs 8oz, a gain of 13oz in seven days. Which naturally was more than okay. So yes--we've been loving his chill demeanor, but we're not loving that it also means that he has a tendency to do things on his own timeline. But I guess he has to have a fault somewhere--and he is Darrell's son, after all, so he was bound to have some stubbornness in his blood. But we love him to pieces and it's already hard to imagine life without him in it!
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