Monday, April 25, 2022

Photo Every Hour: April 21st

7:00 Breakfast for the troops (and as you can see from Garrett, we're--slowly!--working on getting the boys more self sufficient with this)

8:00 Breakfast time for me post-school drop off

9:00 Darrell has tried to throw these Mardi Gras necklaces away multiple times. I always insist that we need to keep them, and by some dumb luck the boys continue to play with them and invent games with them, so I count that as a win in my book! 

10:00 April weather has not been kind (wind/snow/cold/cloulds/etc) so we took advantage one of the first mild and sunny days we'd had in a long time by heading out for a walk

11:00 And then promptly followed our walk up with a stop at the grocery store because #fourboys

12:00 First they were playing games with ancient (and broken!) Mardi Gras necklaces. Now they've invented some weird carnival-style game with cups, bowls, bouncy balls, and tongs. Remind me again why we buy them toys?

1:00 Every once in a while I pull together a lunch for myself that I'm pretty darn proud of. Especially when I follow up my spaghetti and salad with some dark chocolate caramels

2:00 Nothing like wrapping up William's birthday blog post while working on photos for my next blog post

3:00 After school is time for snacks, Mario, and lately for Garrett--Math Playground (which probably isn't nearly as educational as it sounds, but neither is Mario, so whatever)

4:00 Off to piano lessons he goes!

5:00 Love it when this guy gets home and jumps right in to the meal prep

6:00 I'm pretty certain they aren't supposed to be using the "Spot It" cards as frisbees... But whatever

7:00 Snack x3 since William is at soccer practice (piano and soccer on the same night is pretty much heaven for William)

8:00 Mean Mommy time to tell this kiddo to put the book away and go to bed

9:00 Not only does he come in from work and help with dinner, but he also spends time at night prepping dinner when he can

10:00 Wrapping up the evening with some NCIS, a drink, and paying some bills

11:00 Off to bed!

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