This may have been the time I got up, but I assure you, this is not the time my alarm (first) went off. I have a terrible snoozing the alarm habit |
7:05 See that changing pad cover bunched up by Matthew's head? Yeah... There's a very messy (and stinky!) reason I didn't get my picture at 7:00 like I intended to. It's a good thing he's cute |
8:00 Back home after dropping big brothers at school |
9:00 Trains and construction trucks are endlessly entertaining in this house (and please ignore the stack of totes. 'Tis the season to switch the summer clothes with the winter clothes, and with four kids the process is a little slower than I'd like to admit) |
10:00 My little grocery "helpers" |
11:00 He insisted on going outside. I insisted it was too cold. He promised he'd be fine with his hat and mittens. He lasted five minutes #mamaknowsbest |
12:00 These two definitely have their rough moments, but sometimes they get on the same page with some weird game to play and then they are just the best of friends and I seriously love it |
1:00 Making sure we get our library books returned before they are overdue (and I spy a boy who claims to not need a nap playing oh so quietly with his trucks...) |
2:00 "Mommy, can you read me a story?" turned in to "I'm not tired Mommy" turned in to Mommy spending a solid 30 minutes being used as a lap pillow #nocomplaintshere |
3:00 All Mario all the time for these two after school |
4:00 When William has a 30 minute piano lesson and Daddy isn't available to pick him up, Mommy kills the time by taking the little ones for a walk in the teacher's neighborhood (Garrett prefers to go inside with William and watch his lesson) |
5:00 Sometimes I do really well with menu planning and making sure I have the ingredients I need for dinner. Sometimes I have to run to the store at 4:50 (after having already been at the store earlier that day) because I forgot to make sure we had a pantry "staple" on hand |
6:00 Dinner. Success. |
7:00 Snackity snack snack snack |
8:00 We love the craft beer selection at this quaint little liquor store (and the coupons they somewhat regularly send us!) but every time I go to pick stuff out it is a case of so many choices, so little time (and not nearly enough money in the budget!) |
9:00 Darrell may boast a three-screen set up at the office, but at home, I often rock two screens to his one |
10:00 Still going strong... Although the drink game is getting a little low! |
I have no idea what time we called it a night because I forgot to take any more photos (and because it's taken me a full 10 days to get around to typing this up), but I assure you we stayed up way later than we probably should have. Because we do so pretty much every night. Such is life with four kids.
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