Is anyone really shocked that I'm doing a Quarantine Edition Part Two? The real question at this point is whether or not there will be a Part Three and/or what Part Three will look like since it almost certainly won't be "normal" (although who knows what "normal" will be anymore...)
I forgot to snag a picture at Matthew's 4AM wake up (I'm sure you all miss that picture terribly) and although this is what time my alarm first went off... |
This is what time I actually ended up getting out of bed (can I call that sleeping in? I think I can). Darrell has had his hours cut at work so he is only working three day weeks. Monday and Tuesday are his days off, and while there's a certain element of excitement over regular four day weekends, his PTO won't last forever. |
8:00 Breakfast views. Connor has long been done because he insists on eating immediately after he wakes up, but shortly after the picture he did come back to the table for twosies (and I wonder sometimes why I can't keep my grocery purchases within my budget) |
9:00 William working on a gym assignment. He was on a scavenger hunt for certain items, but he was required to "move" in a certain way for each item. This is his army crawl (and please disregard Darrell changing a poopy diaper in the background) |
10:00 Fairly accurate representation of our quarantine life: William doing school work on the iPad, Garrett playing with Matthew, and Connor doing who knows what. And everyone in their pajamas. Oh, and a mess all over the place. Cleanliness standards have really deteriorated lately |
11:00 Quick, everyone, mad dash to Costco! |
12:00 My (fairly typical) Costco haul: Peanut butter, fresh fruit, and pantry/supply items (aka toilet paper). I honestly hate myself a little bit for having bought the toilet paper because we still had at least half a dozen rolls at the house, but people have been such idiots about toilet paper lately that I didn't want to pass it up and then not be able to find any when we actually needed some. And usually I try to pick it up when it is on sale, but let's be honest--with the demand lately that probably isn't going to happen for a good long time |
1:00 Trying out the exersaucer for the first time--I think he likes it! |
2:00 Snack time! |
3:00 Taking advantage of the nice weather and Daddy being home to go out and get some fresh air (and--not pictured--play some disc golf per one of William's PE assignments. They were encouraged to do it at home with buckets and yogurt container lids, but I figured we had the means to do the real thing so why not?: |
4:00 A robin decided to build a nest on the light fixture outside our back door. Garrett gave it a partial thumbs up--he thinks the location is nice so we can lift him up to see the eggs, but he isn't too impressed with the execution of the nest |
5:00 Don't get me started on this one and his naps... |
6:00 Fajita night! |
7:00 S'more time! |
8:00 So grateful to have a husband who helps our around the house.... |
9:00 So that I can pay the bills and balance the budget (for the record, I'm not sure which one of us got the short end of that stick) |
10:00 Updating our letter board with a little NCIS in the background |
I forgot to snap a photo before bed, but it's safe to assume lights were out somewhere around 10:45. That's been our pretty standard bedtime lately, and as much as I would love to get to bed earlier it always seems like there is so much that we want to/need to do in the evenings after the kids go to bed that it just isn't possible to get to bed any earlier
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