6:14 Good morning to me. Darrell decided that today would be a good day for him to take his turn with the crud that's been going around our house--and naturally he got it on a day he could actually afford to take off and stay in bed all day, whereas my day with the crud fell on a day that there were a million things going on and he had commitments out of the house most of the day and absolutely couldn't be home to help out so I still had to spend a good portion of the day out of bed and actually parenting (thank goodness for parents who could step in and help for at least a little bit of the time). Not that I'm bitter about that or anything... |
7:00 I think today might call for an extra cup (or two!) of coffee |
8:00 Being part of the "cool crowd" and commuting through downtown after dropping William off at school so I can take the younger two boys to... |
9:00 A totally awesome indoor play space where we basically had the place to ourselves for over an hour |
10:00 Snack time at the Bloom play area. I tried to capture a few of the "themed" play areas (kitchen/restaurant, pet hospital, parking garage) and there are even a few more that wouldn't fit in the frame (a grocery store and farm) |
11:00 Putting videos on the iPad is pretty much the only way I can get Connor to sit still long enough for me to clip his nails |
12:00 In case you can't tell, that's Connor in his crib at nap time. Most certainly playing around and NOT napping |
1:00 Please. Like I'd be doing anything but checking my bracket during the first day of March Madness |
2:00 In this moment, he is peacefully sleeping. In the next few moments, I will wake him up so I can pick up William from school on time which results in him turning into a whiny, crying, tantrum throwing nightmare. Super fun |
3:00 (Not pictured) Picking up my mom and driving across town to grab a few items from Costco (I'd call them necessities, but let's be honest--it's Costco. I feel like half the time I leave that store with more impulse buys than intentional purchases)
4:00 In and out in just under an hour--not too bad for a trip to Costco with three boys who have to stop at EVERY sample table |
5:00 Fortunately (Unfortunately?), dinner tonight is a Pancake Supper fundraiser at a local school. So at least I didn't have to cook while running the house single handedly... But I did have to wrangle the three boys by myself at the pancake supper (and through multiple trips through the line to get more helpings of pancakes). So that was an adventure |
6:00 When the sun is shining and the snow and ice are gone, every moment outside calls for a race of some fashion or another (in this case, a race to the van after dinner) |
7:00 Neighbors! Seriously, it's like a fog has been lifted after a long, cold, snowy winter and we can finally play outside and enjoy each other's company again |
8:00 The quiet and dark hallway after bedtime |
9:00 Nothing wraps up a fun day of single parenting quite like doing the dishes... |
10:00 I totally spaced on taking a picture, and I'd like to think that I was doing something to enjoy the end of a long day... But chances are I was probably still finishing up with some productivity around the house, like cleaning or menu planning or all the other fun #momlife stuff
Finally. Bedtime. Time to squeeze myself as close to the edge of the bed as possible so I don't catch Darrell's germs and chance getting a second round of the crud |
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