Well, I'm getting these up before my next photo every hour day. But not by much. Better late than never, I suppose?
2:12 Guess who still thinks he needs to get up multiple times a night to eat? |
6:21 Eating... Again. And up for the day, because when you don't sleep through the night you always get up early, right? |
7:00 Enjoying a little quiet playtime before his brothers get up and the house gets crazy |
8:00 Prepping to be out of the house through lunchtime while trying to get the little one some breakfast (aka keep him contained and out of trouble) |
9:00 First stop--Connor's nine month well visit |
10:00 Second stop--The Outdoor Campus for William's Freshman Fisherman class |
11:00 Playtime (and then lunchtime) for the younger two while William is at class |
12:00 Wrapping up class and getting ready to head home! |
1:00 Lunchtime for William while the other two settle down for their naps |
2:00 Pro--Connor isn't napping so I can finally get his laundry from yesterday put away. Con--Connor isn't napping so I have a fun and fussy evening to look forward to |
3:00 So glad we invested in a nice "trampoline" for the kids to use in the basement (cue eye roll) |
4:00 Dinner prep and snack time |
5:00 Isn't this how everyone plays with their exersaucer? |
6:00 In the car--by myself! #thismustbewhatheavenfeelslike |
7:00 After a few errands, time to meet some friends for Book Club or, as Darrell (more accurately) calls it, Mom Club That Occasionally Reads a Book |
8:00 Love this time to unwind and chat without having to worry about the kids or stuff at the house... |
9:00 Because I know as soon as I get home it's back to reality (and with three kids, laundry is always a reality) |
10:00 And sometimes, when you escape your house for a few hours in the evening, it means you menu plan at ten at night #momlife #totallyworthit #atleastihavewine |
Bedtime. At last. |
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