Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Connor: Eight Months!

Height/Weight: Bigger than his brothers were at this age. Not sure exactly what the numbers on the scale will look like, but I'm pretty sure he's getting close to what they were at a year (they were both 19 lbs, 15 oz and right around 29 inches). We'll see how close I am next month.

Wearing: It may have been a little premature, but his closet is pretty much completely switched over to 12 month clothes. Some of it is still a little big, but the nine month stuff was consistently getting too small (some of his pants may have well been capris!), and it was just easier to make the switch than play a guessing game going back and forth. And naturally, all three boys switched over to the next size of clothes at pretty much the same time--which also happened to coincide with the transition into summer apparel--so our house was a mess of totes and clothes for a solid week, so I was also just desperate to get the switch made. He's still in size three diapers, although we're finishing out our last box of those and I'm fairly certain the size fours will fit just fine.

Eating: Solid foods are still going fine, although his enthusiasm seems to be waning. I honestly think he's just getting bored with the single-food purees, because he generally does much better when we give him finger foods (when he actually gets the food to his mouth, that is), so hopefully once we start transitioning him into our "real" table food we won't have any issues.

Sleep: Ugh. His sleep habits feel like a constant one step forward, two steps back. We're back to (somewhat consistently) having nights where he is up three or four times, and even on the nights he is only up twice he is usually bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after the second feeding, no matter how early in the morning it is. His days aren't much better either; some days he can go three or more hours between naps and other days he is ready to go down ninety minutes after waking up--not to mention lots of inconsistency with the length of his naps--which makes it really hard to even attempt to plan anything around his "schedule".

New Stuff: Well, after weeks of speculation, we finally have some teeth! His bottom two middle ones poked through within days of each other a week or so before he was eight months. He seemed to tolerate the actual cutting of them okay, but a week or so before they cut he was miserable. We're talking three days of a pretty constant low-grade fever, a nursing strike, and a refusal to sleep if he wasn't being held. While we are fairly certain that it was related to the teething, I kind of hope that it wasn't, because I don't think I can handle that EVERYTIME he is getting ready to cut more teeth. Connor also hit some pretty significant gross-motor milestones: he is now fully crawling on his hands and knees and he can pull himself into a seated position by himself. This has been great for his entertaining himself, although not so great for his brothers because they still haven't quite learned not to leave stuff on the floor--or if they do move it, they don't always put it up high enough because his reach from a seated position is much better than from his stomach. And I'm sure that just as soon as William and Garrett start to get better about putting things up higher Connor will start pulling himself up to reach those things. It's no wonder subsequent children tend to move earlier than their siblings--they have to figure out how to reach all those cool "toys" that keep getting taken away from them and put in a different place!

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