I've always enjoyed "A Day in the Life" posts because they are ones that I tend to go back and look at to remember just what life was like during different times in our lives. However, I don't always do them as often as I would like (or as often as I think about doing them) because, well, I have an inability to be succinct and the posts always take me forever to write. So when I saw a different approach to a "Day in the Life" post, I was all over it. Without further rambling, welcome to our day (September 21st, 2016), told through a picture taken every hour.
7:00 A little quiet time to myself before the boys get up |
8:00 Boys have eaten breakfast, dinner is in the crockpot, and we're ready to start the day! |
9:00 A little reading/play time before we get ready to head out for the morning |
10:00 Visited one of our favorite places, The Museum of Visual Materials, for an obstacle course they had set up--in addition to all the awesome toys they always have (I forgot my phone at home, so I stole this photo from the Facebook page. Don't look too closely for my boys because you won't find them!) |
11:00 (more like 11:15) Lunch time for the boys. And yes, there are plates for two but only one is eating. Garrett is throwing a tantrum in the other room because, well, life is hard when you are 18 months old. He did eventually sit down and eat. Eventually. |
12:00 Squeezing in a few minutes of play time before getting ready for naps (bonus points if you can spot the flying elephant!) |
1:00 Boys are napping (or at least in their rooms) so lunch and Facebook for me (PS Have you heard of LuLaRoe? It's a little addicting. So far I've been doing a good job exercising self-restraint, but I'm afraid my resolve is getting weak and I just want to buy all the clothes) |
2:00 After (finally) getting William to actually settle down and take a nap, I move on to tackling a few chores. Namely, cleaning the mess that is our kitchen. |
3:00 Boys are up and (shocking!) they want to eat |
4:00 (Part One) Off to another one of our favorite places, the Washington Pavilion. We went with some friends this time so it was extra special! |
4:00 (Part Two) More playtime at the Pavilion |
5:00 Remember that nice crockpot meal I put together this morning? Well, leave it to my family to make plans at 1:15 for all of us to meet at the Shriner's Mosque for dinner and bingo. Thankfully the soup we were making will make an excellent freezer meal, and a nice bonus of the plan was that we were able to walk to dinner from the Pavilion! |
6:00 Bingo night at the Mosque (and yes, I took a picture of my bingo prize instead of my boys loving up on their cousin Jonathan. I'm sure the latter picture would have been much cuter, but I was super excited to have won!) |
7:00 Heading home for bedtime |
8:00 Remember that kitchen I was going to clean earlier? Well, Garrett woke up literally ten minutes after I took that picture, and I was not about to continue cleaning while he was awake (Darrell doesn't mind letting the boys "help" him wash dishes, but I don't really have the patience for that). So instead, it's back to cleaning the kitchen as soon as the boys are in bed |
9:00 Nothing like a little yoga to end the day, although it probably would have been more enjoyable if I hadn't been interrupted a couple of times by a three year old who just didn't want to go to sleep |
10:00 Wrapping up the night with a little NCIS and wine before bed! |
10:42 Last picture before bed. And really, I only took this so I could moan about the temperature. Seventy degrees at almost 11:00!! Not acceptable weather for the middle of September |
As much as I enjoyed taking the pictures for this post, I almost scrapped the idea about halfway through the day. When I was picking a day to do, I tried to pick a "normal" day since I feel that best represents the majority of days around here, and between the two outings we went on (normally we only do one) and the audible on dinner, it just wasn't shaping up to be very normal. But, I realized that part of that is our normal--the rolling with the punches and going with the flow that isn't always the easiest with two boys but we try to do it anyway!
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