I spent the weeks (more like months) leading up to Garrett's birthday trying to figure out a cute "theme" to use for his party. William's first birthday had been easy--because he had been born during the Icepocolypse of 2013, we centered his party around an ice cream sundae theme. Garrett's birthday is close to Valentine's Day--but after--so a Valentine-y theme seemed odd (and--according to Darrell--too girly). I've seen a few "Winter ONE-derland" themes, but by the end of February everyone around here is so done with winter that I didn't want to go down that road. There's lots of cute character themes (I've seen some awesome Mickey parties), but Garrett doesn't have a clue who any of those characters are, so it seemed strange to throw a party centered around character he didn't know. The most promising idea I had was a "Wild ONE" theme, which could have either been jungle wild or "Where the Wild Things Are" wild. And while that theme would have certainly been fitting given Garrett's personality, when it came down to it, I just didn't have the time or energy (or money!) to put into coordinating a theme (#secondchildproblems). In the end, we celebrated his first birthday with a bunch of "ones"--a one-shaped cake, leftover plates and napkins with ones from William's birthday, a fun one-shaped display of photos (also copycatted from William's party), and an awesome "one" shirt handed down from Darrell's sister. And you know what? It was perfect. Lots of fun, lots of friends and family, lots of food, and of course, lots of cake. We even managed to get both boys down for naps after everyone left, despite the fact that they were riding some pretty serious sugar highs.
Lunch time! (Which--by the way--we roasted a turkey that we had been gifted for Christmas and shredded the meat to make turkey salad sandwiches. First time either of us have dealt with a whole turkey!) |
Checking out Aunt Amanda--and his new cousin set to arrive in June! |
Our ONE year old! |
He wasn't sure what to make of everything at first and big brother had to help him blow the candle out... |
But once we gave him a spoon he went to town |
Seriously. He wouldn't stop eating the cake. Darrell tried taking it away once and he screamed |
Let them eat cake! |
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