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We tried to get a picture without his hand in his mouth, but that wasn't happening. #Teethingproblems |
Wearing: Still size three--I was way overly optimistic last month when I thought I could move him up to fours. Definitely bought myself a few more boxes of threes (thank you very much Target deals and free delivery). He's slowly starting to fit into his twelve month clothing, but he's still mostly in nine month.
Eating: Have I mentioned before that this kid loves food? We started incorporating meats and dairy this past month, and both have been big hits. Safe to say I'm not raising a vegetarian.
Sleep: Still not great. Not as bad as it had been, so I'm really not complaining too much, but I'm also not happy (yet). Especially when friends/family tell me about their infants sleeping nine hour (or longer!) stretches at night. But, if these sleep battles have taught us anything, it's that Garrett takes being stubborn to a whole new level--which is definitely going to require some new parenting strategies. I think I will retract any time I called William stubborn because I'm realizing now that whatever he did was nothing compared to what Garrett does.
Likes: Clapping! He thinks this is just the greatest thing ever and lights up in the biggest smile whenever he does it. He's also starting to wave on command, which is pretty adorable too. He also likes being a raccoon, which is why we've named his alter ego "Meeko" (from Pocahontas). His favorite pastime is getting into EVERYTHING, including the toilets (so, so gross--and no, closing the lid doesn't help) and trash cans (while he usually likes to take things out, we have seen him put things in on occasion. So that's fun). He also puts EVERYTHING in his mouth--and 90% of the time I don't even know where he is finding the stuff that ends up in his mouth.
Dislikes: Oh, you know, he pretty much dislikes it whenever he doesn't get what he wants immediately when he wants it. Pretty standard, right? (Heaven help me when this child is a toddler)
Firsts: First Thanksgiving and first snow! Actually, that probably isn't true--I have to imagined it snowed sometime after he was born since he was born in February--but I guess this was the first snow we took him out in? It counts for something, right? And really, all he did was get bundled up and stand in the driveway with me while Daddy cleared the snow off the driveway--it was a pretty substantial snowfall so I didn't exactly want to sit him in it because it probably would have been over his head. And William (for whatever reason) is kind of freaked out by the snow, so we've never really gone out to play in it. Which I'm kind of okay with. I suspect I'll have plenty of snow-covered, freezing cold, and soaking wet boys in my future, so I'll take the indoor play while I can.
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