So finally, at long last, some much overdue pictures of my belly. Not that they are by any means glamorous, but they're interesting to look at from a comparison/look-how-huge-I-am standpoint.
28 weeks |
31 weeks |
35 weeks |
38 weeks |
In addition to doing a poor job of documenting my bump progression, I also haven't really shared that much about this pregnancy period. Truthfully, though, there hasn't been much to share. I honestly feel like I could link back to my pregnancy posts with William and everything would be pretty much the same. I have found myself trying to "force" some differences, primarily in my size and the way I'm carrying (maybe because I'm subconsciously hoping that a different pregnancy progression will equal a different sex at birth), but the pictures seem to prove otherwise. So even though I feel like I am massively larger than I ever was with William and even though I feel like my belly is sitting way lower (making things like keeping my legs together while sitting nearly impossible!), in reality, that doesn't seem to be the case. Here's the proof:
38 weeks with WEBS |
38 weeks with William |
I know the zoom on the pictures isn't quite the same (and I'm too lazy to do anything about it) plus the shirts fit a little differently, but it's pretty evident that pregnant me now and pregnant me then are pretty much the same. Despite the fact that I've tried to convince myself otherwise. And I suppose that's an okay thing--while certainly not enjoyable (although I don't think it ever really could be), labor and delivery with William went just fine and it is certainly an experience I'd be okay with repeating. And I guess in a few short weeks we'll find out whether or not that will be the case!
Oh, one kind of fun thing I am curious to hear about during delivery? How much hair this baby has (because yes, my doctor will probably comment on that while I am delivering, like he did with William. Apparently it was supposed to help motivate me to know that baby was on his way with a full head of dark hair. Needless to say, at that point, I didn't really care). According to the wives' tales, lots of heartburn means lots of hair. With William I had pretty much zero heartburn, and he was born with a full head of hair. This pregnancy, especially the past few weeks, I've definitely had a fair amount of heartburn (although nothing terrible, thankfully). So I wonder if that will mean no hair for this babe? (And in my family, it tends to be the girls who are born without hair--my sister was pretty much bald until two. So maybe that's another tally favoring a girl this time around? We shall see!!)
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