The good news about this weekend? We didn't get the 30+ inches of snow that fell in Western South Dakota. The bad news? We still had pretty miserable weather (highs in the 40s, wind, misting rain) and obligations to fulfill that required us to be outside. But, since this is South Dakota and it's only going to get worse, we bundled up and made the best of it. Like I told Darrell, if we balked at taking William out this weekend because of the crappy weather, we wouldn't be leaving the house at all from November to March. And I think we managed just fine.
All bundled up and snuggled close with Mommy thanks to our Ergo carrier! |
And our reason for being outside and all bundled up (at 8:00 on a Saturday morning, no less)? To watch Daddy do some marching!
I suppose I should be more accurate and say marching
and fife-playing, but I don't know how much Darrell actually plays and how much he just marches with the fife at his mouth.
After the parade we warmed up with a delicious breakfast (compliments of one of the other Shrine units--love me some Shriners!), and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to snag a picture of Darrell with his number one fan.
Because the unit dresses like Revolutionary War era patriots, the wives--and children--show their support by donning red, white, and blue. So of course I had to buy those pajamas for William when they went on clearance after the 4th of July! |
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