Halfway there! Although I suspect that I am significantly less than halfway done in terms of my growth--considering baby is only in the ballpark of seven ounces right now and will likely be over six pounds by the time he/she is born (or--knowing the way things work in my family--over eight pounds), it's safe to say I've only seen the tip of the iceberg on the growth scale. And that's also evident a little bit from these pictures--over the span of four weeks there really hasn't been much significant growth (although there is definitely a difference looking back to some of the
earlier weeks). I have had co-workers tell me that I've definitely started the pop in the past few weeks (which had lead to an increase in the number of hands that touch my belly), but I still feel like I'm at that stage where I kind of just look a little fat instead of pregnant. But that's probably just the hormones talking.
Quick disclaimer--I know that I definitely look bigger in Week 17 than I do in Week 18 (and even Week 19); prior to taking the Week 17 picture Darrell and I had a turkey dinner at my grandpa's church, which was, well, quite filling. So my week 17 belly is half-baby half-turkey, which is why it is somewhat disproportionally sized compared to the other weeks.
Week 17 |
Week 18 |
Week 19 |
Week 20 |
Other fun things to note: I've definitely been feeling the baby move for a week or two now. Usually it's just small little rolls and turns that I can feel from inside my belly (which is a little weird, for the record), but every now and then I feel a swift kick or punch. In fact, Darrell even got to feel one of those kicks on Saturday, so that was exciting. We have our ultrasound scheduled for December 10th (thirteen more days! Not that I'm counting....)--no plans to find out the gender, but excited to get a peek at this little bugger!
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