Whoops! Apparently I forgot to post the pictures from this day. Which is kind of funny, because my pictures from this day are inconsistent at best. You see, April 21st feel on Easter Sunday. And I debated taking pictures on a different day (because, after all, the 21st is just a totally arbitrary day that I happened to pick one time and just stuck with), but then I figured that part of my intent with these picture days is to capture snipets of our every day life, no matter the circumstances--not to intentionally photograph a day that lends itself well to being documented. So, even though there were hours that I forgot to snap a picture (or physically couldn't because I didn't have my phone on me on the hour), I'm still glad to have this (somewhat scattered) account of our Easter Day. Even if it did take me a full month to get around to posting it.
7:00 Happy Easter! He is Risen--and I'm up and at 'em as well! I recently joined the choir at church, and I'm also in the adult hand chime group, and both groups were performing on Easter Sunday, which meant I needed to be at church bright and early for the 8:00 AM service |
8:00 Okay, so honestly, I took this picture at like 9:15, but it's a solid representation of where I was at eight |
9:00 Since I can't drive Darrell's car (comfortably--darn stick shift) and since he can't fit all three boys in his car, I had to run back to the house after the service to pick him and the boys up to take them to church for the Easter Sunday breakfast that the youth serve |
10:00 Squeezing in one last run through of our hand chimes piece before the second service begins at 10:30 |
11:00 Darrell read the story for the Children's Message at the service. If you look closely you can see my three handsome boys in their ties and bow ties |
12:00 Grabbing a quick lunch before nap time (and yes--William is reading at the table and Garrett has the hood to his sweatshirt up. I have no idea) |
1:00 Boys are napping, and I need to find a dinner roll recipe that I can whip up before heading to my parent's house for Easter dinner. Nothing like waiting until the last minute |
2:00 Mixing up the dough! |
3:00 At my parent's house, waiting for the dough to finish rising so I can start making the rolls |
4:00 Someone fell off his bike and scraped his elbow. And he was totally fine, up until the moment he realized it was bleeding. This kid has a pretty serious blood phobia, and absolutely would not calm down until we got a band aid on it |
5:00 Hunting for Easter baskets. It's so nice that the Easter bunny visits Grandma and Grandpa's house so that Mom and Dad don't have to worry about him at their house! |
6:00 The remnants of a solid Easter feast (and I'd make a snide comment about my sister being the last one at the table eating, but she legitimately was nursing Harrison for the first part of the meal. So she had a good excuse--this time) |
7:00 Squeezing in every last little bit of play time before we head home for bed time! |
8:00 William got this book set for his birthday, so we've been working on reading "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" for their bedtime story. It's been pretty enjoyable so far |
9:00 Not quite ready to call it a night--the TV is on and we're vegging out, but I've still got some bills to get paid before I can totally check out for the night |
Bedtime! No idea what happened to 10:00, but I'm sure I was relaxing on the couch and not even attempting to think about doing anything productive |