Height/Weight: No doctor's visits since nine-months and (knock on wood) none until his one-year appointment, so nothing official here. I'm guessing that at a year he'll be 20 lbs, 12 oz and 29 inches--we'll see how close I am!
Wearing: Nothing new to report here--still all twelve-month clothing and size four diapers.
Eating: Most of the time, this kid is an eating machine. He still struggles with teething pain, though, so periodically he won't have much of an appetite. And he's definitely starting to show favoritism toward certain things; we've been working on the sign "all done", and he'll flash it to us when he is finished with a particular part of his meal (ie his carrots), but not necessarily the rest of it (ie his salmon and grains). Unfortunately for him, we don't really let that kind of pickiness fly in our house, which is probably causing some confusion for him on the use of his sign language, but oh well. We're continuing to cut back on his nursing sessions by offering snacks during the day (mostly fruit and cheese, both of which he loves); he still wakes once a night to eat, and then usually three times during the day (morning, before nap, and before bed). He still doesn't care for milk out of a bottle, but thankfully doesn't put up too much of a fight when someone other than me tries to put him to bed (which is maybe a sign that we could continue to wean him further, but Momma's not sure that she's ready for that!).
Sleeping: Pretty good, I think? Man, this last month of summer has just been a blur (hence my tardiness on this post...), so it's hard to keep everything straight, even with the scattered notes I try to write myself regarding his habits. He's starting to flirt with the idea of dropping down to just one nap, and I've been able to get pretty decent naps out of him when I put him down around 12:30 when he hasn't taken a morning nap. However, some days he'll fall asleep in the car on the way to or from a morning activity, which subsequently pushes back (and usually shortens) his afternoon nap. And unfortunately, that's going to be a problem when I have to start picking William up from school by 2:45. So I'm sure we'll have plenty of days with headaches thanks to that. Bedtime shifts based on how he napped, but usually once he's asleep (sometime between seven and eight), he'll sleep until 3:00 (give or take 30 minutes), eat, and then go back to sleep until about 6:30. He'll still occasionally have nights where he is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after his feeding (which annoys me to no end), and when his teeth are bothering him he'll stir at least once, if not twice, before his feeding, but for the most part it's pretty manageable.
New Stuff: In the never-ending saga that is Connor cutting teeth, we are officially up to four teeth!
A fifth one seems to be working its way in, but I'm sure we'll have at least another week of drama with it before it actually breaks through (cue eye roll). He is also starting to require training in take-down techniques to be able to change his diaper or clothes; he will absolutely not lay still for anything (well, not
anything. "Old MacDonald" and "The Wheels on the Bus" and other terribly annoying songs manage to hold his attention long enough to get the job done, but singing them multiple times a day gets old fast). However, he has started to do a really good job of entertaining himself, mostly by throwing a ball and fetching it or driving cars and trucks around, so I guess I should tolerate a few annoyances. Oh, and he will also (finally) sit still and let me read him a few stories before naps and bedtime, so I guess I can also mark that one in the "win" column (who am I kidding--that counts for multiple marks in the "win" column. Books and reading are gold in this house). Even with the teething pains and diaper changing annoyances, though, this kid is seriously awesome and is definitely giving his brothers a run for their money as our silliest baby yet! .
Proof. This kid is a cheeseball and he knows it! |