Lest you think I'm over here ignoring my blog because I'm getting all kinds of baby snuggles...
40 weeks last week... Too lazy to upload the 41 week picture |
Nope. I'm just over here swelling up like a balloon, waddling around like a duck, and doing my best to will this (probably massive) baby out of me. Ready or not though, this baby is likely going to get an eviction notice by the end of the week, which truthfully, I have mixed feelings about. I so want the baby to come on his/her own and not have to be induced--but I'm also so ready to be done, especially mentally. I'm exhausting myself by thinking that every little "sign" could be an indicator that labor is about to begin(and then getting disappointed when it doesn't), and I can't take the boys anywhere without playing through a million "what if" scenarios in my head. And shockingly, Darrell's advice to "just stop thinking about it" doesn't exactly work well with my personality. At least the physical annoyances haven't been terrible, although they've definitely started to ramp up over the past few days.
Just for fun, here I am at the end of my pregnancies with the boys.
39 weeks with William (born at 39 weeks and 4 days) |
40 weeks with Garrett (last picture we took even though he didn't come until 41 weeks and 5 days) |
Come out come out whoever you are--we're more than ready to meet you!!