One weekend. Two weddings. 550+ miles apart.
We survived, we enjoyed it, but man did we need a few days to recover (and I definitely feel like I could use a few more!)
Saturday my brother got married (finally!!), so we started the festivities on Friday night and then were up and out the door by eight to start preparations for the big day. I was a bridesmaid, Darrell was a groomsman, and William was the ring bearer, so we all had responsibilities to tend to throughout the day (although pretty much all William had to do was look cute, and of course he nailed it). Even though it was pretty busy, it couldn't have been a more perfect day, and we are soooo glad that these two finally made it official!

Sunday we were up bright and early (to the tune of 3:15 am) to drive to Sioux City to catch our flight to Chicago for the wedding of one of my close high school girlfriends. And as if the whole situation wasn't crazy enough, I was also the Maid of Honor. Thankfully, we had no issues with flights or public transportation, and I made it to the hotel in plenty of time to partake in all the pre-wedding festivities (which included getting my makeup professionally done--a must after the early morning we had!). Even though we were exhausted, the dance at this wedding seriously rocked and we stayed out on the floor until midnight--and I daresay we would have stayed longer if the DJ hadn't had to shut things down. I wish these two fools didn't live in London, but we couldn't be happier for them!

I do have some photos of us from the weddings (although right now they are all photo-booth photos because you're kidding yourself if you think we actually remembered to take our own camera out and take photos), but I'll post those tomorrow or next week so I don't completely overload this post. And maybe at some point I'll update things with my pregnancy, considering I'm almost at the halfway point (which--by the way--how is that possible?!?!?). Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!