I understand, that as an adult, it's my responsibility to be a functioning, contributing member of society (and my household) every day of the week. Mondays included. However, it would have been
soooo easy to just curl up on the couch yesterday after work and pass the evening watching reruns of
How I Met Your Mother and eating cereal for dinner (in case you are wondering, we watched through all the episodes of
Bones which is why everything is now
HIMYM). Why was I so tempted to be a bum yesterday? Well, for starters, it was a Monday, plus I was home by myself for the whole evening, plus I was still crazy sore from my seven-mile run on Sunday. You can see the temptation.
But I rose above and conquered Monday like a pro! It started with a little 45-minute Pilates workout to loosen up some of my muscles,
followed by a solid regime of upper body lifting (gotta make sure my arms are ready for tank top and swimsuit season!)
I then proceeded to actually cook dinner instead of going to cop-out route of having cereal or eggs like I normally do when I'm the only one home for dinner.
I even got to enjoy it on our deck since it was such a nice day! The only thing that would have made it better (well, besides having my husband home) would have been enjoying a glass of wine or beer with my dinner... But alas, I had to go in to work for an hour and didn't think it would be very professional to tutor an eighth-grader post drinking.
After my short shift at work I still wasn't done with my productivity! I got a few more things planted in our garden, and then cleaned up my dinner mess.
This is why I hate cooking. So messy! |
Then I finally got a chance to relax with a beer. Another Monday successfully in the books!